

(Kempten) 675 meters (2,215 ft.)

Visitor Information:

General Allgäu: Allgäu Marketing GmbH, Allgäuer Strasse 1, 87435 Kempten, telephone +49/8323-8025932, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Wangen: Tourist-Information Gästamt Marktplatz 1, 88239 Wangen im Allgäu, telephone +49/7522-74211

Isny: Isny Marketing GmbH, Office for Tourism, Unterer Grabenweg 18, 88316 Isny im Allgäu, telephone +49/7562-975630, fax 9756314, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Schwäbisches Bauernhofmuseum Illerbeuren, Museumstrasse 8, 87758 Kronburg-Illerbeuren, telephone +49/8394-1455, fax 1454, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Several local tourist offices provide guided city tours (in English, by prior arrangement).

Driving distances from Kempten

  • Berlin 695 km 434 miles
  • Frankfurt 385 km 241 miles
  • Garmisch-Part. 101 km 63 miles
  • Munich 127 km 79 miles
  • Salzburg 268 km 168 miles
  • Vienna 560 km 350 miles
  • Zürich 232 km 145 miles

Location: Southern Germany, near the Austrian border. Extends across the southwestern tip of Bavaria into the neighboring state of Baden-Württemberg. Approximate boundaries are the towns of Pfronten and Kempten in the east to Wangen and Leutkirch in the west.

Largest cities: Kempten, population 62,000; Memmingen (northern “Gateway to the Allgäu”), population 41,000.

Transportation: Though the principal towns of the Allgäu, Kempten, Memmingen, and Wangen, are served by rail, the best way to see the countryside is by car. Hiking, biking, and horseback are also popular ways to see this region, and the public transportation network is well developed (especially bus service). Nearest international airport: Munich (two-hours by car); regional airport: Memmingen.

Discounts: Allgäu-Walser-Card, with several categories, prices, and benefits (public transportation, ski lifts, entry-fee discounts). Check with the tourist office for the card that best suits your needs.

Recommended guidebook: Allgäuer Sennereiführer (Allgäu Dairy Guide, 2003), full-color booklet with a brief introduction on the history and production of Allgäuer cheeses, and detailed descriptions of 25 cheese dairies open to visitors (only in German).