
The Appenzell region has many vacation apartments available for rent. We looked at one, Haus Lydia, in a residential section of the town, about a 15-minute walk from the main square. The large chalet-style house offers two apartments in addition to quarters for the friendly owners, the Mock-Inauen family.

The upstairs apartment, which has a private entry, consists of sitting area, a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. For larger families, a loft with two more bedrooms is available. The ground floor unit is smaller and includes a combination living room/kitchen and a bedroom. The living room sofa can be converted to a bed. The decorative emphasis in both apartments relies on wood, oriental rugs and heavy furniture. Unfortunately, it doesn't all work together. The furniture is a melange of various styles and bathrooms and kitchens often have different tile patterns adjoining each other. Nonetheless, for those who plan to stay for a week or more this, or similar accommodations, represents excellent value. Per night rates for a one-week stay start at CHF 67.

Contact: Haus Lydia Eggerstandenstrasse 53, Appenzell, tel. +41/71/787 4233, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..