Here's a way to obtain tickets for the Oberammergau Passion Play without committing to a tour. You must, however, agree to a three-night hotel stay and pay more than face value for the tickets.
The Hotel Schloss Berg, 30 kilometers southwest of Munich on the Starnbergersee, is offering tickets at 280 or 330 DM ($146-$171) with the three-night stay. (Tickets only -if you can get them - range from 115 DM for second class seats and 165 DM for first class seats.) Transportation via motor coach is provided to and from Oberammergau and Gemütlichkeit subscribers get a 10% discount off the hotel's published room rates, which are $115 single and $150 double. In May of 1997, Gemütlichkeit rated Schloss Berg 14 for quality and 16 for value. The dates with ticket prices are as follows: May 27, July 22, August 5, October 8 - 330 DM ($171); June 9, August 6, September 3 and October 2 - 280 DM ($145).
* (U.S. Dollar prices quoted in this issue of Gemütlichkeit may be inaccurate for these reasons:
* Prices in local currency have not been updated since the date of publication of this newsletter, and...
* The dollar prices shown were obtained by using exchange rates in effect at the time of publication.)
December 1999