
Find Good Value Hotels Near Major Airports in Europe

A frequent question of Europe-bound travelers is, "Can you recommend a hotel near the airport for my last night in Europe?" It's a question that covers a lot of ground; there are many airports and thousands of airport hotels. A great place to find good value airport hotels is at our main hotel booking engine. Its many features include a way to quickly locate hotels at European airports—and when you find one that suits your pocketbook, you can book it immediately.

Here's how to do it. Let's say you need a hotel near Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris. Go first to In the center of the page, under the beautiful photo of Hallstatt in Austria, in the box, click "Browse Destinations." Next choose France from the list of countries, and then select "Airports in France." From that list, click "CDG, Charles De Gaulle." Now type in your dates, click the 'show only available hotels' checkbox and you'll soon see a list of available hotels from a database of some 55 hotels near CDG. For the dates in early May there were 48 availabilities, ranging in price from 32EUR for a double room to 335EUR. Most were under 100EUR.

Each listing carries a 0-10 numerical rating based on reviews of past guests, as well as the standard hotel industry one-to-five-star rating. There is a description of each hotel's facilities, services. and location, plus photographs, maps, and such basic info as check-in/check-out times, cancellation policies, extra bed costs, availability of airport shuttle, and, of course, rates-many of which are discounted. You can sort the hotels by a variety of categories such as price, popularity, guest review rating, star rating, and others.

Here Are Some Attractive Prices for Double Rooms at Some Major Airports