
Gasthof Pöchhacker, SteyrFor Steyr's best bargain, you must stray about 15-minute's walk from the old town to the homey Gasthof Pöchhacker. The alternative to hoofing it is the city bus which stops near the hotel every 15 minutes. Not much English is spoken here, but Herr Pöchhacker and family are so enthusiastic and welcoming that it is a difficulty easily overcome.

The 19 guestrooms are large and comfortable with the standard amenities including WiFi. Ask for Number 28, a charming double on the top floor with a view toward Christkindl and renting for around €70.

The Pöchhacher's inviting stuberl serves some of the best food in the region with entrées in the €10-15 range. Later in the evening you might ask for some of the house's special apricot schnapps.

Contact: Gasthof Pöchhacker, Sieringerstrasse 122, A-4400, Steyr, tel. +43/7252/63173,, Ludwig Pöchhacher, free parking

Daily Rates: From €34 per person

Rating: Quality 9/20, Value 16/20