Staying in Steyr's verdant outskirts is possible if you're traveling by car. Johannes and Ursula Eckhard's country hotel in St. Ulrich, 4 km/2.5 mi south of town, adjoins a reservoir and nestles in hiking terrain that slopes up to the Damberg mini-mountain, topped by the Dambergwarte lookout point. Blond furnishings and paneling prevail in the 33 guestrooms; a fireplace warms the restaurant, which alternates with seasonal dining on the sun terrace; spa and fitness facilities are complete.
Daily Rates: Singles €62-72, doubles €94-114
Contact: Landhotel Eckhard A-4451 St. Ulrich/Steyr, Eisenstrasse 94, tel. +43/7252/52326, fax 48528, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rating: Quality 13/20, Value 14/20