
Essential Information for Travelers Heading to Murten, Switzerland




458 meters/ 1,503 feet

Tourist Information

  • Murten Tourism Office Franz Kirchgasse 6, CH-3280 Murten, telephone +41/026/670 5112, fax 670 4983, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The tourist office offers free weekly sight-seeing tours.
  • Hotel and sight-seeing packages are also available through the tourist office: two nights accommodations, a boat trip, and entrance to the History Museum are available.

Driving Distances

  • Bern: 31km, 19 miles
  • Biel: 34km, 21 miles
  • Freibourg: 16km, 10 miles
  • Geneva: 122km, 75 miles
  • Zürich: 153km, 96 miles

Parking Meters

Be aware of how Murten parking meters work. At a nearby kiosk you insert coins and punch in your cars license plate number.