On the north edge of town, closer to the rail station than the historic Innenstadt, the red four-star Alexandra and blue three-star Bayrischer Hof, stand side by side, separated by a flag-festooned common entry. Both had elite stature as prewar villas, and have been restored and retrofitted under the Platzer family’s attentive ownership.
Despite price differentials, in-room amenities are comparable on both sides of the entry—hair drier, cosmetic mirror, TV, Internet access, attractive beechwood furnishings. Guests converge in common dining and lounge areas. More overall space, costlier designer accessories, and top-of-the-line bathroom fixtures justify the Alexandra’s price niche above its next-door Bayrischer Hof neighbor.
Daily Rates: Alexandra singles €56, doubles €84; Bayrischer Hof singles €90, doubles €122
Contact: Alexandra and Bayrischer Hof, Dr. Schauer-Strasse 21-13, A-4600 Wels, tel. +43/7242/47214, fax 47214 55, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rating: (Alx) Quality 15/20, Value 15/20 (BH) Quality 14/20, Value 16/20